Trajectory Extraction of road users via Traffic Camera


Traffic Monitoring


The associated paper for this project will be published here as soon as possible. When using this software, please cite the following:

author = {Strosahl, Julian},
license = {Apache-2.0},
title = {{TrafficMonitoring}},
url = {},
version = {0.9.0}

Trajectory Extraction from Traffic Camera

This project was developed by Julian Strosahl Elektronische Fahrwerksyteme GmbH within the scope of the research project SAVeNoW (Project Website SAVe:)

This repository includes the Code for my Master Thesis Project about Trajectory Extraction from a Traffic Camera at an existing traffic intersection in Ingolstadt

The project is separated in different parts, at first a toolkit for capturing the live RTSP videostream from the camera. see here

The main project part is in this folder which contains a python script for training, evaluating and running a neuronal network, a tracking algorithm and extraction the trajectories to a csv file.

The training results (logs and metrics) are provided here

Example videos are provided here. You need to use Git LFS for access the videos.


  1. Install Miniconda
  2. Create Conda environment from existing file
conda env create --file environment.yml --name 


This will create a conda environment with your env name which contains all necessary python dependencies and OpenCV.

detectron2 is also necessary. You have to install it with for CUDA 11.0 For other CUDA version have a look in the installation instruction of detectron2.

python -m pip install detectron2 -f \
  1. Provide the Network Weights for the Mask R-CNN:
  • Use Git LFS to get the model_weights in the right folder and download them.
  • If you don't want to use GIT LFS, you can download the weights and store them in the model_weights folder. You can find two different versions of weights, one default model 4 cats is trained on segmentation 4 different categories (Truck, Car, Bicycle and Person) and the other model 16 cats is trained on 16 categories but with bad results in some categories.

Getting Started Video

If you don't have a video just capture one here Quick Start Capture Video from Stream

For extracting trajectories cd traffic_monitoring and run it on a specific video. If you don't have one, just use this provided demo video:

python --video ./videos/2021-01-13_16-32-09.mp4

The annotated video with segmentations will be stored in videos_output and the trajectory file in trajectory_output. The both result folders will be created by the script.

The trajectory file provides following structure:

frame_id category track_id x y x_opt y_opt
11 car 1 678142.80 5405298.02 678142.28 5405298.20
11 car 3 678174.98 5405294.48 678176.03 5405295.02
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
19 car 15 678142.75 5405308.82 678142.33 5405308.84

x and y use detection and the middle point of the bounding box(Baseline, naive Approach), x_opt and y_opt are calculated by segmentation and estimation of a ground plate of each vehicle (Our Approach).


The provided software is optimized for one specific research intersection. You can provide a intersection specific dataset for usage in this software by changing the points file in config.

Quality of Trajectories

14 Reference Measurements with a measurement vehicle with dGPS-Sensor over the intersection show a deviation of only 0.52 meters (Mean Absolute Error, MAE) and 0.69 meters (root-mean-square error, RMSE)

The following images show the georeferenced map of the intersection with the measurement ground truth (green), middle point of bounding box (blue) and estimation via bottom plate (concept of our work) (red)

right_intersection right_intersection left_intersection

The evaluation can be done by the script The trajectory files for the measurement drives are prepared in the [data/measurement] folder. Just run


for getting the error plots and the georeferenced images.

Own Training

The segmentation works with detectron2 and with an own training. If you want to use your own dataset to improve segmentation or detection you can retrain it with


The dataset, which was created as part of this work, is not yet publicly available. You just need to provide training, validation and test data in data. The dataset needs the COCO-format. For labeling you can use CVAT which provides pre-labeling and interpolation

The data will be read by ReadCOCODataset. In line 323 is a mapping configuration which can be configured for remap the labeled categories in own specified categories.

If you want to have a look on my training experience explore Training Results

Quality of Tracking

If you want only evaluate the Tracking algorithm SORT vs. Deep SORT there is the script for evaluate only the tracking algorithm by py-motmetrics. You need the labeled dataset for this.


This work is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) within the Automated and Connected Driving funding program under Grant No. 01MM20012F (SAVeNoW).


TrafficMonitoring is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.

Julian Strosahl
Julian Strosahl
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