Code for Temporally Abstract Partial Models


Code for Temporally Abstract Partial Models

Accompanies the code for the experimental section of the paper: Temporally Abstract Partial Models, Khetarpal, Ahmed, Comanici and Precup, 2021 that is to be published at NeurIPS 2021.


  1. Clone the deepmind-research repository and cd into this directory:
git clone
  1. Now install the requirements to your system pip install -r ./requirements.txt. It is recommended to use a virtualenv to isolate dependencies.

For example:

git clone

python3 -m virtualenv affordances
source affordances/bin/activate

pip install -r affordances_option_models/requirements.txt


  1. The first step of the experiment is to build, train and save the low level options: python3 -m affordances_option_models.lp_learn_options --save_path ./options which will save the option policies into ./options/args/.... The low level options are trained by creating a reward matrix for the 75 options (see option_utils.check_option_termination) and then running value iteration.
  2. The next step is to learn the option models, policy over options and affordance models all online: python3 -m affordances_option_models.lp_learn_model_from_options --path_to_options=./options/gamma0.99/max_iterations1000/options/. See Arguments below to see how to select --affordances_name.


  1. The default arguments for will produce a reasonable set of option policies.
  2. For use the argument --affordances_name to switch between the affordance that will be used for model learning. For the heuristic affordances (everything, only_pickup_drop and only_relevant_pickup_drop) the model learned will be evaluated via value iteration (i.e. planning) with every other affordance type. For the learned affordances, only learned affordances will be used in value iteration.

Experiments in Section 5.1

To reproduce the experiments with heuristics use the command

python3 -m affordances_option_models.lp_learn_model_from_options  \
--num_rollout_nodes=1 --total_steps=50000000 \
--seed=0 --affordances_name=everything

and run this command for every combination of the arguments:

  • --seed=: 0, 1, 2, 3
  • --affordances_name=: everything, only_pickup_drop, only_relevant_pickup_drop.

Experiments in Section 5.2

To reproduce the experiments with learned affordances use the command

python3 -m affordances_option_models.lp_learn_model_from_options  \
--num_rollout_nodes=1 --total_steps=50000000 --affordances_name=learned \
--seed=0 --affordances_threshold=0.0

and run this command for every combination of the arguments:

  • --seed=: 0, 1, 2, 3
  • --affordances_threshold=: 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75.


If you use this codebase in your research, please cite the paper:

      title={Temporally Abstract Partial Models},
      author={Khimya Khetarpal and Zafarali Ahmed and Gheorghe Comanici and Doina Precup},


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