Scraping and analysis of leetcode-compensations page.


Leetcode compensations report

Scraping and analysis of leetcode-compensations page.

Salary Distribution Salary


INDIA : 5th Jan 2019 - 5th Aug 2021 / fixed salary

INDIA : 5th Jan 2019 - 5th Aug 2021 / fixed salary, dark mode

INDIA : 5th Jan 2019 - 5th Aug 2021 / total salary

INDIA : 5th Jan 2019 - 5th Aug 2021 / total salary, dark mode

Directory structure

  • data
    • imgs - images for reports
    • logs - scraping logs
    • mappings - standardized company, location and title mappings as well as unmapped entities
    • meta - meta information for the posts like post_id, date, title, href.
    • out - data from info.all_info.get_clean_records_for_india()
    • posts - text from the post
    • reports - salary analysis by companies, titles and experience
  • info - functions to posts data(along with the standardized entities) in a tabular format
  • leetcode - scraper
  • utils - constants and helper methods


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Put the chromedriver in the utils directory.
  3. Setup virual enviroment python -m venv leetcode.
  4. Install necessary packages pip install -r requirements.txt.
  5. To create the reports npm install vega-lite vega-cli canvas(needed to save altair plots).


$ export PTYHONPATH=<project_directory>
$ python leetcode/ --till_date 2021/08/03

# sample output
2021-08-03 19:36:07.474 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:48 - page no: 1 | # posts: 15
$ python leetcode/

# sample output
2021-08-03 19:36:25.997 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1380805 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:28.995 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1380646 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:31.631 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1380542 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:34.727 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1380068 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:37.280 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1379990 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:40.509 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1379903 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:41.096 | WARNING  | __main__:<module>:34 - sleeping extra for post_id: 1379487
2021-08-03 19:36:44.530 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1379487 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:47.115 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1379208 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:49.660 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1378689 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:50.470 | WARNING  | __main__:<module>:34 - sleeping extra for post_id: 1378620
2021-08-03 19:36:53.866 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1378620 done!
2021-08-03 19:36:57.203 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1378334 done!
2021-08-03 19:37:00.570 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1378288 done!
2021-08-03 19:37:03.226 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1378181 done!
2021-08-03 19:37:05.895 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:45 - post_id: 1378113 done!

Report DataFrame

$ ipython

In [1]: from info.all_info import get_clean_records_for_india                                                               
In [2]: df = get_clean_records_for_india()                                                                                  
2021-08-04 15:47:11.615 | INFO     | info.all_info:get_raw_records:95 - n records: 4134
2021-08-04 15:47:11.616 | WARNING  | info.all_info:get_raw_records:97 - missing post_ids: ['1347044', '1193859', '1208031', '1352074', '1308645', '1206533', '1309603', '1308672', '1271172', '214751', '1317751', '1342147', '1308728', '1138584']
2021-08-04 15:47:11.696 | WARNING  | info.all_info:_save_unmapped_labels:54 - 35 unmapped company saved
2021-08-04 15:47:11.705 | WARNING  | info.all_info:_save_unmapped_labels:54 - 353 unmapped title saved
2021-08-04 15:47:11.708 | WARNING  | info.all_info:get_clean_records_for_india:122 - 1779 rows dropped(location!=india)
2021-08-04 15:47:11.709 | WARNING  | info.all_info:get_clean_records_for_india:128 - 385 rows dropped(incomplete info)
2021-08-04 15:47:11.710 | WARNING  | info.all_info:get_clean_records_for_india:134 - 7 rows dropped(internships)
In [3]: df.shape                                                                                                            
Out[3]: (1963, 14)


$ python reports/ # generate fixed comp. plots
$ python reports/ # fixed comp.
$ python reports/ # fixed comp., dark mode

$ python reports/ # generate total comp. plots
$ python reports/ # total comp.
$ python reports/ # total comp., dark mode


title : Flipkart | Software Development Engineer-1 | Bangalore
url :
company : flipkart
title : sde 1
yoe : 0.0 years
salary : ₹ 1800000.0
location : bangalore
post Education: B.Tech from NIT (2021 passout) Years of Experience: 0 Prior Experience: Fresher Date of the Offer: Aug 2020 Company: Flipkart Title/Level: Software Development Engineer-1 Location: Bangalore Salary: INR 18,00,000 Performance Incentive: INR 1,80,000 (10% of base pay) ESOPs: 48 units => INR 5,07,734 (vested over 4 years. 25% each year) Relocation Reimbursement: INR 40,000 Telephone Reimbursement: INR 12,000 Home Broadband Reimbursement: INR 12,000 Gratuity: INR 38,961 Insurance: INR 27,000 Other Benefits: INR 40,000 (15 days accomodation + travel) (this is different from the relocation reimbursement) Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): Total CTC: INR 26,57,695; First year: INR 22,76,895 Other details: Standard Offer for On-Campus Hire Allowed Branches: B.Tech CSE/IT (6.0 CGPA & above) Process consisted of Coding test & 3 rounds of interviews. I don't remember questions exactly. But they vary from topics such as Graph(Topological Sort, Bi-Partite Graph), Trie based questions, DP based questions both recursive and dp approach, trees, Backtracking.

title : Cloudera | SSE | Bangalore | 2019
url :
company : cloudera
title : sde 2
yoe : 2.5 years
salary : ₹ 2800000.0
location : bangalore
post Education: MTech from Tier 1 College Years of Experience: 2.5 Prior Experience: SDE at Flipkart Date of the Offer: Sept 10, 2019 Company: Cloudera Title/Level: Senior Software Engineer (SSE) Location: Bangalore, India Salary: Rs 28,00,000 Bonus: Rs 2,80,000 (10 % of base) PF & Gratuity: Rs 1,88,272 Stock bonus: 5000 units over 4 years ($9 per unit) Other Benefits: Rs 4,00,000 (Health, Term Life and Personal Accident Insurance, Annual Medical Health Checkup, Transportation, Education Reimbursement) Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): Rs 4070572

title : Amadeus Labs | MTS | Bengaluru
url :
company : amadeus labs
title : mts 1
yoe : 7.0 years
salary : ₹ 1700000.0
location : bangalore
post Education: B.Tech. in ECE Years of Experience: 7 Prior Experience: Worked at few MNCs Date of the Offer: Jan 2021 Company: Amadeus Labs Title/Level: Member of Technical Staff Location: Bengaluru, India Salary: ₹ 1,700,000 Signing Bonus: ₹ 50,000 Stock bonus: None Bonus: 137,000 Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): ~₹1,887,000 Benefits: Employee and family Insurance

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