EV: IDS Evasion via Packet Manipulation

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EV: IDS Evasion via TCP/IP Packet Manipulation



EV is a tool that allows you crafting TCP packets and leveraging some well-known TCP/IP packet manipulation techniques to evade IDS devices.

It supports HTTP protocol but unfortunately not HTTPS protocol. The handshake process of TLS is quite complecated and I haven't figure out how to craft TLS packets elegantly.

This tools is written in Python and QT5, using Scapy to make packets. So though this software is tested on Windows platform only, it theoretically works on other platforms like Linux or MacOS.


Run following commands in your cmd/terminal to pull the latest version of the software and install required python packages:

git clone https://github.com/TomAPU/ev.git
cd ev
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run this command to start the software:

python3 ev.py

or you can click run.bat in the root directory of the software to start it.

Basic Usage

Fill IP,Port,and Payload field and click "Send" button to send the TCP packet to target. You can also set TCP options and source port. Remeber that TCP options are tcp options supported by scapy.

You can view response packets in "Received packets" window and click packet to view it in "View Received Packet" window. This is implemented by scapy's sniff() function, it finds packets that matches the target IP or is ICMP protocol(so that you can find TTL exceeded packets). However, sniff() sometimes records packets duplicately.So I strongly recommend users use WireShark if you've installed one to see received packets.

Request Split

You can use TCP Segmentation and IP Fragmentation to break the TCP packet into pieces and send them to target. This may defeats IDS devices which doesn't support TCP/IP reassembly.

Increasing wait time or sending packets out of order may also circumvent IDS devices who has a very limited capability in TCP/IP reassembly.

Sending Distractor Packets

Distractor packets are packets that might be ignored by target and be recognized by IDS devices.

Small TTL distractor packets are packets' TTL are subtracted to 0 between IDS device and the target. The target will not receive this packet because the packet has been dropped before reaching the target. But IDS might think that the packet arrives the target. Therefore, sending small TTL distractor packets containing junk data or RST flag may distract the process of reassembling TCP packets, leading to an evasion.

Bad Checksum packets are packets with wrong TCP checksum. Packets with wrong checksum are ignored by target, but IDS devices may not calculate checksum and reassemble all packets directly, which leads to an evasion.

Corrupt ack distractor packets are packets' ACK field is corrupted. The target ignore such packets because of the wrong ACK field, but IDS might reassemble all packets directly, which leads to an evasion.

English Document




这个工具是用 Python 和 QT5 编写的,使用 Scapy 来制作数据包。 因此,虽然该软件仅在 Windows 平台上进行了测试,但理论上它可以在 Linux 或 MacOS 等其他平台上运行。



git clone https://github.com/TomAPU/ev.git
cd ev
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


python3 ev.py

或者你可以点击软件根目录下的run.bat 文件打开程序。


填写IP、Port和Payload字段,点击 "发送 "按钮,将TCP数据包发送到目标。您还可以设置TCP选项和源端口。请注意,TCP选项是scapy支持的TCP选项。

您可以在 "Received packets"窗口查看响应数据包,点击数据包在 "View Received Packet"窗口查看。这个功能由scapy的sniff()函数实现的,它找到与目标IP相匹配的数据包,或者是ICMP协议的数据包(这样你可以找到因为TTL过期而返回的ICMP包)。然而,sniff()有时会重复记录数据,所以如果安了Wireshark,我强烈建议用户使用WireShark而不是这个









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