search different Streaming Platforms for movie titles.


Screen Shot 2021-05-20 at 9 42 16 AM


  • git clone and cd to directory
  • install Selenium
  • download chromedriver.exe to same directory

First Run

Use --setup True for the first run. Platforms like PrimeVideo, Hulu, and HBO Max aren't very kind to bots so ChromeOptions loads cookies from previous useage. First run opens a chrome browser, goes to streaming platform and asks the user to log in. (Hulu and Amazon require captcha's/SMS).
Once the browser is recognized the first time, it stays logged in the next time.

Regular Use

python --movie Movie Title One, Movie Title Two --exclude HBOMax Netflix
This will search for the two movies (Movie Title One and Movie Title Two) on all platforms except HBOMax and Netflix. Exclude is empty by defualt so it checks all platforms by defualt.

Future Updates

  • Improve search results: Mainly uses if substring in string where substring is user's movie_title and string is movie title as listed on streaming platform. (I.e. movie_title="Now You See Me" is found as "Pretty Little Liars, S4 E12: Now You See Me, Now You Don’t." which is not ideal)
  • threading/parallel: from multiprocessing import Pool to query platforms simultaneously.
  • headless browser mode
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