Quickly edit your slack posts.

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Lightning Edit

Quickly edit your Slack posts. Heavily inspired by @KhushrajRathod's LightningDelete.


Note: Before anything, be sure to head over to lightningedit.cwi.repl.co first, in order to let Lightning Edit access you account.

The sytax of Lightning Edit is extremely simple, just post the edited word with * added to it!

For example, if I had sent their instead of they're, all I would have to do is send another message with *they're and Lightning Edit will edit your original message with the change.

You can do more that just edit single words! Here are some other features:

  • sed style replacement! Like so: */regex_to_replace/what_with/flags
  • To correct a single word, just type it after the asterisk: *there.
  • Want to edit a message that isn't your most recent? Just add more asterisks. **there will edit your second most recvent message.
  • Forgot to mention someone? Just type their names like *@goat or *@goat @cow, and the mention will be prepended to your original message.
  • If you need to completely rewrite your original message, just type *!your new message here, and the exclamation mark will force a complete overwrite.
  • Did you mess up a lot of spelling? Just type * by itself to fix all spelling mistakes. "I am reelly badd aat sppeelling" will turn to "I am really bad at spelling" in less than a second!
  • To append text to your original message, just type *+text, or just use more than one word, like *text to be appended.
  • I want to add more features! Just submit an issue or PR and I'll add it!

You can type /editors to get a list of all users using the app, as well as your authentication status.

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