Scrapes proxies and saves them to a text file


Proxy Scraper

Scrapes proxies from and saves them to a file.

Also has a customizable theme system

Made by nell and Lamp

python developer
WebScraping - Scrapes Job website for python developer jobs and exports the data to a csv file

WebScraping Web scraping Pyton program that scrapes Job website for python devel

Michelle 2 Jul 22, 2022
OSTA web scraper, for checking the status of school buses in Ottawa

OSTA-La-Vista OSTA web scraper, for checking the status of school buses in Ottawa. Getting Started Using a Raspberry Pi, download Python 3, and option

1 Jan 28, 2022
Goblyn is a Python tool focused to enumeration and capture of website files metadata.

Goblyn Metadata Enumeration What's Goblyn? Goblyn is a tool focused to enumeration and capture of website files metadata. How it works? Goblyn will se

Gustavo 46 Nov 22, 2022
Quick Project made to help scrape Lexile and Atos(AR) levels from ISBN

Lexile-Atos-Scraper Quick Project made to help scrape Lexile and Atos(AR) levels from ISBN You will need to install the chrome webdriver if you have n

1 Feb 11, 2022
fork huanghyw/jd_seckill

Jd_Seckill 特别声明: 本仓库发布的jd_seckill项目中涉及的任何脚本,仅用于测试和学习研究,禁止用于商业用途,不能保证其合法性,准确性,完整性和有效性,请根据情况自行判断。 本项目内所有资源文件,禁止任何公众号、自媒体进行任何形式的转载、发布。

512 Jan 03, 2023
Use Flask API to wrap Facebook data. Grab the wapper of Facebook public pages without an API key.

Facebook Scraper Use Flask API to wrap Facebook data. Grab the wapper of Facebook public pages without an API key. (Currently working 2021) Setup Befo

Encore Shao 2 Dec 27, 2021
Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile created using streamlit and BeautifulSoup python packages

Github Scraper Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile. Github scraper app gets a github profile name and check whether

Siva Prakash 6 Apr 05, 2022

My-Actions 个人收集并适配Github Actions的各类签到大杂烩 不要fork了 ⭐️ star就行 使用方式 新建仓库并同步代码 点击Settings - Secrets - 点击绿色按钮 (如无绿色按钮说明已激活。直接到下一步。) 新增 new secret 并设置 Secr

280 Dec 30, 2022
Binance Smart Chain Contract Scraper + Contract Evaluator

Pulls Binance Smart Chain feed of newly-verified contracts every 30 seconds, then checks their contract code for links to socials.Returns only those with socials information included, and then submit

14 Dec 09, 2022
Current Antarctic large iceberg positions derived from ASCAT and OSCAT-2

Iceberg Locations Antarctic large iceberg positions derived from ASCAT and OSCAT-2. All data collected here are from the NASA SCP website Overview Thi

Joel Hanson 5 Jul 27, 2022

腾讯课堂脚本 要学一些东西,但腾讯课堂不支持自定义变速,播放时有水印,且有些老师的课一遍不够看,于是这个脚本诞生了。 时间比较紧张,只会不定时修复重大bug。多线程下载之类的功能更新短期内不会有,如果你想一起完善这个脚本,欢迎pr 2020.5.22测试可用 使用方法 很简单,三部完成 下载代码,

163 Dec 30, 2022

联通手机营业厅自动完成每日任务,领流量、签到获取积分等,月底流量不发愁。 功能 沃之树领流量、浇水(12M日流量) 每日签到(1积分+翻倍4积分+第七天1G流量日包) 天天抽奖,每天三次免费机会(随机奖励) 游戏中心每日打卡(连续打卡,积分递增至最高

2k May 06, 2021
A modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup

Soup Sieve Overview Soup Sieve is a CSS selector library designed to be used with Beautiful Soup 4. It aims to provide selecting, matching, and filter

Isaac Muse 151 Dec 23, 2022
WebScraper - A script that prints out a list of all EXTERNAL references in the HTML response to an HTTP/S request

Project A: WebScraper A script that prints out a list of all EXTERNAL references

2 Apr 26, 2022
Crawl the information of a given keyword on Google search engine

Crawl the information of a given keyword on Google search engine

4 Nov 09, 2022
Ebay Webscraper for Getting Average Product Price

Ebay-Webscraper-for-Getting-Average-Product-Price The code in this repo is used to determine the average price of an item on Ebay given a valid search

17 Jan 05, 2023
Find papers by keywords and venues. Then download it automatically

paper finder Find papers by keywords and venues. Then download it automatically. How to use this? Search CLI python -k "knowledge tracing,kn

Jiahao Chen (TabChen) 2 Dec 15, 2022
Web scraped S&P 500 Data from Wikipedia using Pandas and performed Exploratory Data Analysis on the data.

Web scraped S&P 500 Data from Wikipedia using Pandas and performed Exploratory Data Analysis on the data. Then used Yahoo Finance to get the related stock data and displayed them in the form of chart

Samrat Mitra 3 Sep 09, 2022
Web scrapping tool written in python3, using regex, to get CVEs, Source and URLs.

searchcve Web scrapping tool written in python3, using regex, to get CVEs, Source and URLs. Generates a CSV file in the current directory. Uses the NI

32 Oct 10, 2022
This is a web crawler that works on employ email data by and visualizes it in different ways.

crawler_to_visual_gmane Analyzing an EMAIL Archive from gmane and vizualizing the data using the D3 JavaScript library. This is a set of tools that al

Saim Zafar 1 Dec 20, 2021