Receive notifications/alerts on the most recent disclosed CVE's.

____ ___  _ _  _ ____ ___ _  _ ____ _  _ ____
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|___ |    | |  | |___  |  |  | |___ |__| ___]
In Greek mythology, Epimetheus (/ɛpɪˈmiːθiəs/; Greek: Ἐπιμηθεύς, which might mean "hindsight", literally "afterthinker")

Receive notifications on the most recent disclosed CVE's.

Be sure you are notified and up to date on the latest threats!

How to use:
  • pip install -r requirments.txt - Install the dependencies.
  • python initdb - Initialize the database. (Run this when first using 'Epimetheus').
  • python scan - Scan and alert for new vulnerabilities.
  • python search - Display the latest disclosed CVE's.
    Search examples:
    • python search * 10 - Pull the latest 10 disclosed CVE's.
    • python search chrome 5 - Pull the latest 5 disclosed Chrome CVE's.


Query CVE's:


Check out Toxnet!
PwdGen is a Python Tkinter tool for generating secure 16 digit passwords.

PwdGen ( Password Generator ) is a Python Tkinter tool for generating secure 16 digit passwords. Installation Simply install requirements pip install

zJairO 7 Jul 14, 2022
QHack-2022 - Solutions to the Coding Challenges of QHack 2022

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Isacco Gobbi 1 Feb 14, 2022
This repository detects a system vulnerable to CVE-2022-21907 and protects against this vulnerability if desired

This repository detects a system vulnerable to CVE-2022-21907 and protects against this vulnerability if desired

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VMware vCenter earlier v( unauthorized arbitrary file read

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Pre-Auth Blind NoSQL Injection leading to Remote Code Execution in Rocket Chat 3.12.1

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Enox 47 Nov 09, 2022
Agile Threat Modeling Toolkit

Threagile is an open-source toolkit for agile threat modeling:

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Threat Intelligence Gathering 威胁情报收集,旨在提高蓝队拿到攻击 IP 后对其进行威胁情报信息收集的效率。

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Proof on Concept Exploit for CVE-2021-38647 (OMIGOD)

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Horizon 3 AI Inc 231 Nov 12, 2022

Webpack-信息收集工具 郑重声明:文中所涉及的技术、思路和工具仅供以安全为目的的学习交流使用,任何人不得将其用于非法用途以及盈利等目的,否则后果自行承担。 0x01 介绍 作者:小洲 团队:横戈安全团队,未来一段时间将陆续开源工具,欢迎关注微信公众号: 定位:协助红队人员快速的信息收集,测绘目

小洲 214 Dec 19, 2022
A high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance (subdomain enumeration)

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Exploiting CVE-2021-44228 in vCenter for remote code execution and more

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Compilation of resources and insights that helped me on my journey to data scientist

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Conor Dewey 1.5k Jan 02, 2023
Something I built to test for Log4J vulnerabilities on customer networks.

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1 Dec 20, 2021
Unsafe Twig processing of static pages leading to RCE in Grav CMS 1.7.10

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Script hecho en python para sacar la informacion del numero de telefono, Hecha con el API de numverify

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CVE-2021-36798 Exp: Cobalt Strike < 4.4 Dos

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This repository uses a mixture of numbers, alphabets, and other symbols found on the computer keyboard

This repository uses a mixture of numbers, alphabets, and other symbols found on the computer keyboard to form a 16-character password which is unpredictable and cannot easily be memorised.

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This is the fuzzer I made to fuzz Preview on macOS and iOS like 8years back when I just started fuzzing things.

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